Microcosmos of the brain
Getting sharper: the brain under the spotlight of super-resolution microscopy
Arizono et al. Trends in Cell Biology 2023
Synapse-Astrocyte Interaction
Structural basis of astrocytic Ca2+ signals at tripartite synapses
Arizono et al. Nature Communications 2020
Dissecting tripartite synapses with STED microscopy.
Panatier* and Arizono* et al.
Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society B 2014

Extracellular space
Super-resolution shadow imaging reveals local remodeling of astrocytic microstructures and brain extracellular space after osmotic challenge
Arizono et al. 2021 Glia
Shadow imaging for panoptical visualization of brain tissue in vivo
Dembitskaya et al. Nature Communications 2023
Astrocytic mGluR5
Receptor-selective diffusion barrier enhances sensitivity of astrocytic processes to metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation
Arizono et al. Science Signaling 2012
Imaging mGluR5 dynamics in astrocytes using quantum dots.
Arizono et al. Current Potocols in Neuroscience 2014
Astrocytic IP3R
Astrocytic IP3 Rs: Contribution to Ca2+ signalling and hippocampal LTP.
Sherwood* and Arizono* et al. Glia 2017
Astrocytic IP3Rs: Beyond IP3R2.
Sherwood* and Arizono* et al.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2021
Simulation of calcium signaling in fine astrocytic processes: Effect of spatial properties on spontaneous activity
Denizot, Arizono et al.
PLOS Computational Biology 2019
Control of Ca2+ signals by astrocyte nanoscale morphology at tripartite synapses
Denizot, Arizono et al. Glia 2022